VSA 3000
Vibratory Sensory Analyzer

The Vibratory Stimulator is built into an ergonomically designed, comfortable and easy-to-use platform for the foot or the hand. An optional hand-held vibratory stimulator, with 1.5-meter cable for testing of trunk, face and other body sites, offers flexibility and easy access to other sites.
VSA-3000 Features
Automated test procedure requiring no technical expertise
Quick test, typically between 5 and 10 minutes
Color, graphic report generation with automated data summary conclusions
Automated comparison with age-matched normative data
Data management for over 30,000 tests
Intuitive data export function to popular software program formats
Various test methods (Limits, Levels, and Manual)
Factory-installed default protocols for immediate clinical use
Randomized and null (dummy) stimulus options for single & double-blind procedures
Accurate results presentation in micrometers (10-4 cm)
Linear and reproducible stimuli
Useful in monitoring, treating and testing in:
Diabetic neuropathy
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Lumbar radiculopathies
Peripheral and compression neuropathies
Female Sexual dysfunction
For rapid screening, early detection and longitudinal evaluation of sensory dysfunction associated with disease and occupational injury
The VSA-3000 quantifies vibratory perception thresholds to evaluate peripheral nerves and somatosensory pathways. This quantitative assessment of large-caliber, A-beta sensory nerve fiber function is available as a stand-alone unit, or can be used together with the TSA-II NeuroSensory Analyzer.
The VSA-3000 includes hand and foot support vibratory stimulators, Operating Software and Accessories.
Download VSA-3000 brochure