TSA 2 - Advanced Thermosensory Stimulator
The Latest Advances in Thermal Stimulation
Precise thermal pain stimulation temperature control
External Control programming capability
Rapid thermal stimulation rates- up to 13°C/sec
Single and Dual Thermode configurations
Upgradeable for the fMRI imaging environment
Add the new CHEPS for TSA2 thermode for rapid and precise heat and cold stimulation.
Click here to watch our in-depth webinar about the capabilities of TSA2
Enhanced precision in a robust, portable device
TSA2 Allows you to:
Develop dynamic protocols using MATLAB® and similar platforms​
Dual thermode model to facilitate CPM and other advanced protocols
Fifteen years of advancements in meeting fMRI Imaging needs
7T and 3T MRI tested
Thermode configurations for 30x30mm, 16x16mm, intra-oral, and fMRI
Various Thermode sizes and shapes:
We offer various sizes and shapes of thermodes to use with TSA2.
TSA2 External Control
Enables external computer programs (such as MATLAB®) to interface with Medoc Main Station software using a closed set of commands and responses.
Provides programmatic access to specific actions that can be applied during a typical test procedure.
A standard feature on the new TSA2 device.
Works with a standard ethernet cable.